# Writing User Guide

This page aims to guide developers on what content should be included in the user guide for a completed AddOnXXX package, what rules to follow, and how to release it for user download or use.

Generally, a user-oriented add-on user guide should include the following content to ensure users can install, configure, and use the add-on smoothly:

Title and Introduction Specifically includes:

  • Add-on Name
  • Add-on Version
  • Basic Information of the add-on

Installation Guide Specifically includes:

  • System Requirements

List information about the required operating system, software environment, hardware requirements, etc..

  • Installation Steps

Provide step-by-step installation instructions, including any issues that may be encountered during the installation process and their corresponding solutions.

Configuration Guide Specifically includes:

  • Add-on Configuration Options

List the configuration options that users can customize.

  • Configuration Steps

Provide step-by-step configuration instructions, including the role of each configuration option and recommended settings.

  • Default Configuration

If the add-on has default configuration options, detailed information about the default configuration should be provided.

Use Instructions Specifically includes:

  • Main Functions

List the main features and uses of the add-on.

  • Examples of Use

Provide practical examples of use to help users understand how to use the add-on in their own workflows.

Troubleshooting Specifically includes:

  • Frequently Asked Questions

List common problems users may encounter and their corresponding solutions.

  • Add-on Logs

If the add-on generates log files, explain how to view and analyze these logs to resolve issues.

Updates and Upgrades Specifically includes:

  • Update Guide

Provide instructions on how to obtain and install add-on updates.

  • Version History

List the version history of the add-on and the changes in each version.

Support and Contact Information Specifically includes:

  • Provide contact information for support, such as technical support hotline, email address, social media links, or forum links.


Provide information about how will the AddOn packages be released and where to obtain them.

Additional Information Specifically includes:

  • Attachment information, such as plugin dependencies, known issues, or warnings.


In addition to the above content, it is important to ensure that the user guide's language should be concise, easy to understand, and suitable for the target reader of the add-on.

# How to publish the manual

standalone document
Currently, JAKA supports to provide the user guide along with the packages in the form of PDF.Any changes in the future will be updated here.

Last update: 2/21/2024, 7:49:44 AM